Thursday, October 20, 2011

How are Acne Blackheads and Papules Produced?

How are Acne Blackheads and Papules Produced?

Blackheads and papules are external symptoms of acne. They are the result of excessive sebum production and hornification of sebaceous glands excretory duct. Horny layers of the epidermis overlap, fill the excretory duct and close its opening. A blocked opening of a sebaceous gland canal with a plug of sebum and horny cells creates a so-called blackhead, which is a non-inflammatory form of acne. In the case of excessive production of sebum and horny epidermis some bacteria, always present on the skin surface, develop well. In such environment they breed like in a hatchery. They cause inflammatory process, which can result in cracking of excretory duct wall and the development of inflammation near sebaceous gland. Papules become big, red and painful.
Non-inflammatory and inflammatory forms of acne may appear in their neighbourhood. The method of treatment depends on the form and seriousness of the illness.

Treating Blackheads: Squeezing, Shaving, Picking

You want to know how to treat your blackheads? So, you have to remember that squeezing and picking your blackheads and pimples can cause more harm than actually help you. You may get more pimples and spread of infection.
If you are a man and you are wondering if shaving is good? Well, shaving may help you to prevent future blackeads and pimples formation by removing the surface layers of skin and opening some pores. It doesn't mean you have you shave more, or less (because you are afraid it will harm your skin) - you should shave as usual and do not be worry that it may cause some problems. If you shave often? Please continue to do so and it may even help your acne. Read an article about getting rid of acne to find five crucial rules, helpful in treating acne problem.

Factors Responsible for ACNE

  • Excessive secretion of sebum by sebaceous glands,
  • Disorder of hornification by sebaceous glands excretory ducts,
  • Bacteria.
There are things you can do and you should do about listed factors to get rid of acne problem. You can take special steps and create "lifestyle" to help your organism to fight acne, to produce less sebum by sebaceous glands and to cleanse your face from bacterias. Read about othercauses of acne, and foods that cause acne

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